
Orientation Fall 2019

Welcome to St Clair @ Ace Acumen Academy!
School is back, and hundreds of students filled the halls at Ace Acumen Academy, ready to experience College for the first time. The entire staff helped to welcome new students with ice breakers and introductions, then lead students through all the important information they needed to start a successful school year.
Orientation provided a great opportunity for the development of community. Students met the Academic Department and Student Services – the people who help them through their College experience and give them the tools they need to succeed. Additionally, students met the friends they will keep for the coming years.

With an essential address regarding adjusting to College life, one of our professors shared the keys to managing mental health as students have begun to live independently, and are now taking their future into their own hands.

Finally, after an important message of encouragement and discipline in education shared by our Principal and CEO, students completed their registration, and enjoyed complimentary snacks as they readied themselves for the exciting journey of getting a quality Canadian education.


PD Day August 26th , 2019

As the days begin to get shorter, and the weather cools, we say goodbye to summer and look forward to the excitement of back to school! Teachers and staff at Ace Acumen Academy gathered to focus on goals for the new school year.

Professional Development Days allow teachers to remain active learners, and stay current on how to continue to improve and deliver a quality learning experience. This P.D. day covered such topics as:

  • Student Success Rates from last semester.
  • Reinforcing the role of Academic Supervision and the collaboration with the teachers.
  • Review of how to implement St Clair College’s course outlines effectively into weekly assessments, and overall evaluations.
  • Reiterating the best practices using People Soft, along with the breakdown of the semester and when to input student information.
  • Introducing our new Resource Room, and educating on how to make full use of it – with new scanner, printer, computers, and textbooks.
  • Discussion regarding the development of Acumen’s student Tutoring Centre.
  • Sharing Ace Acumen’s new Organization Chart welcoming new staff and faculty.

In an effort to continue to build community and raise team morale, faculty and staff participated in the Marshmallow Challenge. Working together, teams practiced their communication skills, problem solving, and teamwork!

Acknowledgements to our wonderful faculty were made, and we ended the day knowing we were all excited to come together for the start of a new Academic year.

— Author Sarah McDermott



Safety Awareness by Toronto Police

Safety in a foreign country may seem like common sense- or is it? Here are some of the key takeaways from Officer Xin and Officer Mann, who are members of the Toronto police who visited our campus this week. Here are some of the highlights of their presentation.


Be aware of the Rules! 

In Canada, there are rules that we share similar to the rules in China and India. For example, we should respect one another’s property. However, the list of things that are acceptable in China and India do not correspond with the list of things that are acceptable in Canada. For example, in China, it is acceptable to practice martial arts with the use of nunchucks. But in Canada, nunchucks are considered as dangerous- and the possession of it is strictly prohibited. Thus, one should not show negligence in a foreign country.


Stay Protected wherever you are!

Regardless of where you are, you should never go somewhere that is dangerous. If you can prevent yourself from being a victim in the first place, you can avoid a whole set of future problems. For instance, do not travel alone in a dark alley at night. Or do not get intoxicated at a bar where others can take advantage of you. 


Safety should always be first on your priority list at all times- anything can happen at any time. It is the Toronto Police’s job to protect you, and it is your responsibility to assist the Toronto Police! If you feel danger or feel unsafe at any point, feel free to contact any of our staff. In case of emergencies, always know 911 is there to protect you! 


Convocation 2019

It’s that time of year again; St. Clair College @ Ace Acumen is proud to announce that yet another wonderful batch of students have completed their studies and now join a network of thousands of students who proudly call themselves St. Clair College graduates! On Friday, June 14th, 2019, students, faculty and parents all made their way to the Chatham Campus Heathplex to revel in the momentous occasion of their loved ones and dear students walking across the stage to receive their certificates. Their certificates symbolize all the hard work, dedication and commitment to excellence that every student learned and applied, who going forward, will make use of every day to make not only their own lives better but also the lives of all those people around them, each and every day. Everyone at Ace Acumen and St. Clair College is happy to have called you our students and are now happy to call you graduates and alumni, and we cannot wait to hear about you and your future successes.

Best of luck Graduates!


Awards Ceremony 2019

On June 6, 2019, twelve outstanding students from St. Clair College @ Acumen had the privilege to travel to Chatham, Ontario for the Annual Award Ceremony at St. Clair College. The awards were presented at The Club Lentinas, where the ceremony was organized, and the participants also had a chance to enjoy delicious
dinner and mingle with St. Clair College staff and faculty. The students were carefully selected from Business, Computer Networking, International Business Management and Gerontology programs completed in the Fall 2018 and Winter 2019 based on their overall GPA and outstanding involvement with the College and the community. Winners of the Academic Awards were Mingzhen Yu, Prikita Sharma, Vishakha, Wei Zhao, PrincePal Singh, and Manveer Kaur. Winners of the Leadership Awards were Jingyu Ding, Jagdeep Singh, Kim Wonyoung, Jina Kang, Amanpreet Singh, and Pawanjot Kaur. St. Clair College @ Acumen is so proud to recognize and award all of the students who put extra efforts into making them Canadian education the most meaningful and for being engaged with the College and the community!


CN tower and Ripley’s’ Aquarium Trip

On February 08th, 2019, the CN tower and Ripley’s’ Aquarium trip was held for new and current students. The trip was sponsored by St. Clair College in coordination with St. Clair College Ace Acumen Toronto. The SRC president Holly Nicholson had purchased the tickets for the trip.

The trip had started with Ripley’s’ Aquarium at 11:00 AM in the morning where students and staff spent their time until 1:00 PM. All students had enjoyed a lot and experienced their first time in Canada’s Ripley’s Aquarium.

Later the same day at 2:00 PM students went to visit CN tower, which was another new experience for all students to reach the clouds in Toronto. Students had an outstanding experience as they never visited any high standing tower structure before. They had also newly experienced walking on the glass and looked down from 1400 ft up.

The trip was finished at 4:00 PM and all students of St. Clair College @ Acumen have reached home safely. As like before St. Clair College will continue future activity again with some other exciting trip


Principal’s Lunch

Student feedback is one of the most important foundations in the operations of any schools day to day functions. Each semester we here at St. Clair College @ Ace Acumen Toronto hold a principals lunch meeting where class representatives from each group of students in each program get the opportunity to sit and voice their concerns and appreciations to our principals, directors and managers. This year we had 16 class representatives represent the entire student body at our school. Students voiced appreciations about the excellence of staff and learning that occurs daily, explaining that they feel like each day they learn something new. They also explained to Principal John Wu, directors Max Fan and Mathew Qaqish some of their concerns inside and outside of the classrooms. Rest assured, the appreciations and concerns were heard loud and clear and the team at Ace Acumen will do everything they can to ensure these needs are met.

Students and staff then enjoyed a nice lunch with each other. Director Mathew Qaqish then announced to the class representatives that the student holiday party will be taking place on December 7 th , 2018. Also at this holiday party, 20 students from across the student body will be awarded scholarships for their outstanding abilities as students; scholarships for academic excellence, excellence in leadership and also 2 prestigious Principal Awards awarded to two students who excel both in academics and in leading.

Our students truly are bright and shining stars that are ready to shine bright in Canada for the foreseeable future! We can’t wait for the next principal’s lunch.


St. Clair College 51st Annual Convocation

Here we go again, another year and another group of amazing students have completed their studies at Ace Acumen and made their way to Windsor on October 10th, 2018, to celebrate their convocation and receive their diplomas in the Beautiful St. Clair College Centre for the Arts Chrysler Theater. Every year students and staff go for the road trip to Windsor on a bus together and return together with diplomas and pride in hand. While at the ceremony this year we remembered all the hard work that students and their families put in to get to this very joyful point in their lives. The applause and cheers and yes some tears were a beautiful sight to see, while also being a symbol of hard work and happiness; that now enables these wonderful students to move onto another chapter of their lives and conquer a new challenge, where they will continue to learn and grow and become stronger and better people. As educators, responsible citizens and life long learners; whether you are a student, a parent, a teacher or staff, these are the moments we truly live for in the realm of education. We all cannot wait to go to convocation again next year and relive all these wonderful feelings again.



Fall Academic Awards Ceremony 2018

Another wonderful year has passed us by at Ace Acumen Academy and another batch of well-deserved students has graduated through our ranks. This year, on October 3rd, 2018, we gathered again in Windsor at the St. Clair College Alumni Skyline Room, which had the most beautiful view of the lake dividing Windsor from Detroit. There really isn’t a better backdrop to help us celebrate the wonderful achievements of our great students. At the Academic Awards Ceremony we celebrate the excellence of our students in all of our programs, in the areas of academics and student leadership, and this year we had six recipients altogether from our Business, International Business Management and Freight Forwarding and Logistics programs. Our students: Kensheng Weng, Sonakshi Pasricha, Bindesh Chandrababu, Manjot Singh, Wang Shunchao, and Harpreet Kaur were all award winners representing Ace Acumen proudly. We cannot wait to hear how you all continue to achieve excellence in the great big world out there waiting for you, and we cannot wait to go back again and award another group of well-deserved students.


Wrapping up another successful semester @ Peer Mentoring Center

On August 2nd, 2018, the last day of operation of Peer Mentoring and Tutoring Centre for the Spring Semester, the certificate were awarded to the dedicated mentors. The Academic Director, Mrs. Olga Gritsenko, has been very supportive with the learning initiative, and hand the certificate to the one of the best mentors, Ruchi.

The Peer Mentoring Center has been successfully operating with the support from the Acumen Board and Management. The Facilitator, Howard Wang, suggested that the project should be continuously implemented to not only provide academic assistance to students, but also develop the student’s skill set for their future career