PD Day August 26th , 2019


As the days begin to get shorter, and the weather cools, we say goodbye to summer and look forward to the excitement of back to school! Teachers and staff at Ace Acumen Academy gathered to focus on goals for the new school year.

Professional Development Days allow teachers to remain active learners, and stay current on how to continue to improve and deliver a quality learning experience. This P.D. day covered such topics as:

  • Student Success Rates from last semester.
  • Reinforcing the role of Academic Supervision and the collaboration with the teachers.
  • Review of how to implement St Clair College’s course outlines effectively into weekly assessments, and overall evaluations.
  • Reiterating the best practices using People Soft, along with the breakdown of the semester and when to input student information.
  • Introducing our new Resource Room, and educating on how to make full use of it – with new scanner, printer, computers, and textbooks.
  • Discussion regarding the development of Acumen’s student Tutoring Centre.
  • Sharing Ace Acumen’s new Organization Chart welcoming new staff and faculty.

In an effort to continue to build community and raise team morale, faculty and staff participated in the Marshmallow Challenge. Working together, teams practiced their communication skills, problem solving, and teamwork!

Acknowledgements to our wonderful faculty were made, and we ended the day knowing we were all excited to come together for the start of a new Academic year.

— Author Sarah McDermott