- An emergency is an unforeseen situation or event that poses an immediate risk to health and safety and requires prompt action. Emergencies can include incidents such as Fires, Medical Incidents, Chemical Spills, Natural Disasters or any situation that demands urgent attention to prevent harm or minimize the impact on individuals and the college environment.
- In the Event of an emergency, call 911.
- If you are calling from a college landline, dial 9-911
North York Campus 1440 Don Mills Road, Suite 102 Toronto, ON, Canada, M3B 3M1 416-756-7227 info.toronto@canadaacumen.ca
Mississauga Campus 131 Brunel Road, Mississauga, ON, Canada, L4Z 1X3 416-756-7227 info.mississauga@canadaacumen.ca
Brampton Campus 21 Coventry Road, Brampton, ON, L6T 4V7 416-756-7227 info.brampton@canadaacumen.ca
- Type/Nature of Emergency?
- Location (Specific address and major intersection)
- Are there any Hazards or Dangerous Conditions?
- Number of Persons Involved in the Emergency
- Location of the Fire
- Source and Extent of the Fire
- Have You Begun to Evacuate the Area?
- Is the Fire Spreading Rapidly?
- Are There Any Injuries Due to the Fire?
- Is There Anyone Trapped or Unable to Evacuate?
- Type/Nature of Medical Emergency
- Can You Describe Symptoms or Signs?
- Is the Person Conscious and Breathing?
- Medical History. Does Person Have Pre-Existing Medical Conditions?
- Does Person Have Known Allergies or Known Medications?
- Have First Aid Measure Been Taken?
- Is There A Need For Medical Equipment Or Assistance?
Emergency Response Guidelines & Procedures
Ace Acumen Emergency Response Guide
Location of Emergency Response Information:
- Emergency Response procedures and guidelines can be found all across campus in the following locations:
- On Our Ace Acumen Website, Classrooms, Health and Safety Boards, Reception and Advising Desks and Security Binders
Campus Safety Policies
Ace Acumen Emergency Response Guide
Quality learning Environment Policy
Sexual Violence Prevention and Reporting Policy
Student Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility Policy
Respectful Work and Educational Place Policy
Ace Acumen Incident & Accident Investigation Policy
Smoking, Alcohol & Substance Abuse Policy
Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedure
Ace Acumen Acceptable Use Policy - Damaged Property, Resources, and Technology
WSIB Reference Guide for Workers
Parking on College Grounds Policy
Campus Resources
PLEASE NOTE: To confirm your eligibility for these external resources, please contact the organization of interest directly or visit their website for additional information. Different organizations may have varying requirements, and we want to ensure you have access to the support that best fits your needs.
Food Banks
Knights Table | administrator@knightstable.org | (905) 454-8947 | 287 Glidden Rd, Unit 4, Brampton, ON. | KnightsTable
Salvation Army, Community, & Family Services | bramptonarmy9395@gmail.com | (905) 791-1085 ext. 1 | 9395 Bramalea Rd. Brampton, ON. | Salvation Army
Restoration & Empowerment for Social Transition | info@restcentres.org | (905) 863-1118 | 134 Queen St. E. Brampton, ON. | Rest Centres
Ste Louise Outreach Peel Food Bank | stelouisefoodbank85@hotmail.com | (905) 454-2144 | 32 Haggert Ave N. Brampton, ON. | Ste Louis
Islamic Forum of Canada Food Bank | IFCINFO@gmail.com | (905) 790-8859 | 200 Advance Blvd. Brampton, ON. | Islamic Forum Online
Punjabi Community Health Services (PCHS) | info@pchs4u.com | (905) 677-0889 | 2980 Drew Rd. Mississauga, ON. | Punjabi Community Health Services
Seva Food Bank | info@sevafoodbank.com | (905) 361-782 ext. 2 | 2832 Slough St. Mississauga, ON. | Seva
Women & Children Social Network | admin@wnc-sn.ca | (289) 521-5313 | 3034 Palstan Rd. Unit 305. Mississauga, ON. | Women & Children Social Network
Good Measure Food Bank | info@goodmeasurefoodbank.com | (905) 566-1208 | 3607 Wolfedale Rd. Mississauga, ON. | Good Measure
St. Mary's Food Bank | adel.nashaat@gmail.com | (905) 890-0900 | 5757 Kennedy Rd. Unit 12. Mississauga, ON. | St Marys
Eden Food for Change - Food Bank | info@edenffc.org | (905) 785-3651 | 3185 Unity Dr. Mississauga, ONEden Food For Change
Daily Bread Food Bank | info@dailybread.ca | (416) 203-0050 | 191 New Toronto St. Toronto, ON. | Daily Bread
Flemingdon Food Bank | (416) 422-4322 | 10 Gateway Blvd. Suite 100B | Flemingdon
North York Harvest Food Bank | info@northyorkharvest.com | (416) 635 | 7771 ext. 0 | 116 Industry St. Toronto ON. | North York Harvest
Community Share Food Bank | contact@communitysharefoodbank.ca | (416) 441-3209 | 33 Overland Dr. Toronto, ON. | Community Share
THHC Food Bank - Housing Help Centre | foodbank@thhc.org | (416) 669-5751 | 2500 Lawrence Ave E. Toronto, ON. | THHC
Humanity First Canada | info@humanityfirst | (416) 440-0346 | 600 Bowes Rd. Unit 40, Concord, ON. | Humanity First Canada
Peel Region Housing & Shelter Supports | housinginquiries@peelregion.ca | (905) 453-1300 | 10 Peel Centre Dr, Suite A & B. Brampton, ON. | Peel Region
Our Place Peel | info@ourplacepeel.org | (905) 238-1383 | 5170 Dixie Rd. Suite 206, Mississauga, ON. | Our Place Peel
Family Services of Peel | fsp@fspeel.org | (905) 270-2250 | 5975 Whittle Rd. Mississauga, ON. | Family Services of Peel
ACSA HUB | (416) 321-6912 | 4155 Sheppard Ave E, Suite 100. Toronto, ON. | ACSA Hub
The Neighbourhood Organization (TNO) | info@tno-toronto.org | (416) 467-0126 | 18 Thorncliffe Park Dr. Toronto, ON. | The Neighbourhood Organization
Mental Health
Ace Acumen Mental Health Services | mhservices@canadaacumen.ca | Ace Acumen MHS
Sikh Family Helpline | Sikh Family Helpline
eMentalHealth.ca | EMentalHealth
Distress Centre of Toronto (Formerly Spectra Helpline) | Distress Centre of Toronto
South Asian Mental Health (SOCH) | info@sochmentalhealth.com | South Asian Mental Health
Psychotherapy and Counselling Services | (905) 230-06 | Psychotherapy and Councelling Services
Real Campus | 1-877-390-REAL (7325) | Real Campus
Good2Talk | 1-866-925-5454 | Good2Talk
Connex Ontario | 1-866-531-2600 | Connex Ontario
Distress Centres of Greater Toronto | (416) 408-4357 | Distress Centres of Greater Toronto
Assaulted Women's Helpline | 1-888-863-0511 | Assaulted Women's Helpline
Hope 24/7 Crisis Line | (905) 792-0821 | Hope 24/7
Peel Crisis Capacity Network | (905) 273-4900 | Peel Crisis Capacity Network
Punjabi Community Health Services | (905) 677-0889 ext. 147 | info@pchs4u.com | Punjabi Community Health Services
Newcomer Centre of Peel | (905) 306-0577 ext. 227 | Newcomer Centre of Peel
External Employment Centres
YMCA of Greater Toronto - Newcomers | bridge.bccd@ymcagta.org | (416) 277-3847 | 2 Lansing Sq, Suite 700. Toronto, ON. | YMCA
Centre for Immigrant & Community Services | info@cicscanada.com | (416) 292-7510 | 1761 Sheppard Ave E, Toronto, ON. | Centre for Immigrant
Newcomer Centre of Peel | info@ncpeel.ca | (905) 306-0577 | 165 Dundas St. W. Mississauga, ON. | Newcomer Centre of Peel
Walk-In Clinics & Medical Centres that do Direct-Billing to Student Insurance (Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga)
Ultra Bloor Walk-In |1254 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON. | CALL
Jane Park Plaza Walk-In Clinic | 877 Jane St, York, ON. | CALL
Weston Road Medical Clinic | 2549 Weston Rd, York, ON. | CALL
Rexdale Doctors Clinic | 1530 Albion Rd, Etobicoke, ON. | CALL
Downsview Medical Centre | 1595 Wilson Ave, North York, ON. | CALL
Compasscare Medical & Walk-in Clinic | 2880 Queen St. E, Brampton, ON. | CALL
Healthpoint Family Medicine/Walk-in Clinic | 490 Bramalea Rd. Unit 204, Brapton, ON. | CALL
BramMed Medical Clinic | 18 Kensignton Rd. Brampton, ON. | CALL
Bramalea & Bovaird Clinic | 10095 Bramalea Rd. Unit 107, Brampton, ON. | CALL
Mississauga Medical Care Clinic | 1201 Britannia Rd. W. Mississauga, ON. | CALL
Square One Medical | 4175 Confederation Pkwy. Unit 2, Mississauga, ON. | CALL
Mississauga Medical Centre | 3980 Grand Park Dr. Mississauga, ON. | CALL
Huron Square Medical Centre | 3420 Hurontario St. Suite 201. Mississauga, ON. | CALL
Pharmacies that do Direct-Billing to Student Insurance (Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga)
Wellness Pharmacy | 1177 Central Pkwy. W. Unit 67. Mississauga, ON. | CALL
Allwell Pharmacy | 4665 Central Pkwy E. Unit 14, Mississauga, ON. | CALL
Rexall | 6045 Creditview Rd. Mississauga, ON. | CALL
Rexall |10425 Kennedy Rd. Brampton, ON. | CALL
Pharmasave | 490 Bramalea Rd. Brampton, ON. | CALL
Bramcity Pharmacy & Walk-in Clinic | 14 Lisa St. Unit 2, Brampton, ON. | CALL
North Bramalea Pharmacy | 9780 Bramalea Rd. Brampton, ON. | CALL
Shoppers Drug Mart | 980 Central Park Dr. Brampton, ON. | CALL
Shoppers Drug Mart | 25 Peel Centre Dr. Unit 379, Brampton, ON. | CALL
Shoppers Drug Mart | 1859 Leslie St. Toronto, ON. | CALL
Shoppers Drug Mart | 1285 York Mills Rd. Bldg A, Toronto, ON. | CALL
Agape Pharmacy | 10 Mallard Rd. North York, ON. | CALL
Procare Pharmacy | 1262 Don Mills Rd. North York, ON. | CALL
Seoul Pharmacy | 865 York Mills Rd. W, North York, ON. | CALL
PharmaSmart Pharmacy | 220 Duncan Mill Rd. Unit 104, North York, ON. | CALL
Don Mills & Lawrence Pharmacy | 896 Lawrence Ave. E, North York, ON. | CALL
Dental Centres that do Direct-Billing to Student Insurance (Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga)
Yorkdon Dental | 1500 Don Mills Rd. Unit 106, North York, ON. | CALL
Parkwoods Dental | 1271 York Mills Rd. North York, ON. | CALL
Additional Resources
Birthright - Crisis Pregnancy Services | brampton@birthright.org | (905) 874-0607 | 60 West Dr. LL1 (Lower Level), Brampton, ON. | Brithright
Safe Centre of Peel | info@cfspd.com | (905) 450-4650 | 60 West Dr. Suite 110, Brampton, ON. | Safe Centre of Peel
Victim Services of Peel | info@vspeel.org | (905) 568-8800 | Crisis Line: (905) 568-1068 | 7750 Hurontario St. Brampton, ON. | Victim Services of Peel
Victim Services of Toronto | info@vstoronto.com | (416) 808-7066 | 40 College St. Toronto, ON. | Victim Services of Toronto
What is AceWalk?
The AceWalk program is an on-campus support service for all college community members. We are here to help you safely navigate your academic environment, & its surrounding transit zones.
How to become a Student Volunteer:
We are looking for dedicated student volunteers who want to learn valuable leadership skills and gain on-campus Canadian Work experience.
All conditions involving inclement weather warnings and travel advisories issued by Environment Canada are closely monitored by Ace Acumen. Any changes to college operations due to the weather will be communicated through our website and Instagram for student and public awareness by the Directing Level Team.