Student Success

At Ace Acumen Academy, our goal is to help all students succeed. Our team of qualified instructors and student service advisors are here to provide guidance, information, and support to students so they can meet their academic goals.

Hear what our team has to say about the power of working together to achieve academic success.

Tips on how you can be successful:

  • Attend class regularly
  • Meet with your instructor and/or program coordinator
  • Follow-up on any comments left by your instructor
  • Pay close attention to upcoming deadlines for assignments
  • If possible, do not miss any tests or exams
  • Make an appointment with your advisor for student supports
  • Request an individual tutor HERE – FREE for all St. Clair College Students!
  • Learn how to study, be organized, take notes and other learning strategies with the Learning Portal
  • Access resources in the College’s online library database, textbook rentals, and online bookstore.
  • Ensure you have your Office Software installed on your device. Available for free for students.
  • If you are struggling and you need someone to talk to after hours, call Good 2 Talk (1-866-925-5454), or other resources available to students.
  • Request an individual tutor HERE

Getting Started