Career Services assists Acumen students seeking employment - permanent, part-time, temporary and seasonal. Resources and information are available on employment-related topics including resumes and cover letters, job applications, interview skills, and job search techniques. Virtual workshops and resume support sessions are scheduled throughout the academic year to provide students with the techniques needed to successfully market job skills in today's labour market.
Job Postings
Employment opportunities for Acumen students are advertised on our webpage. We can also help you navigate external online job banks advertising local work and volunteer opportunities.
Find job opportunities and services Here
Ace Acumen College Career Services does not recommend or endorse any employment opportunity, employer or organization as featured on our job posting system, or website. We do not require or ask for fees or payments during any phase of the recruitment or hiring process. It is the responsibility of individuals to make informed decisions when networking with employers, interviewing for and/or accepting employment opportunities, and/or participating in volunteer activities. If any person solicits personal information, fees or payments from you as part of the recruitment process or as part of an employment offer, you should take additional steps to confirm the legitimacy of the offer. Ace Acumen Academy will not be liable to those who disclose contact or personal information to an employer or other party. Job seekers are advised not to disclose social insurance numbers, credit card numbers, or bank account numbers when job searching. In addition, do not wire/send funds to unknown employers or spend any of your own money to obtain a position unless you are certain it is for a legitimate reason.
Career Days and Employer Recruitment
The Career Services team arranges on-campus and/or virtual activities throughout the year to promote employment opportunities and information about careers with local and regional employers. Through employer displays, learning sessions and classroom presentations, we are committed to assisting students to connect with potential employers and career paths.