Ripley Aquarium High School Trip

On Wednesday, March 14th, Ace Acumen High School organized an excursion to Toronto Ripley’s Aquarium. Our students got an amazing opportunity to meet the 10,000 marine animals that inhabit the Aquarium: fish, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates and marine mammals. Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada is divided into geographic regions according to features and characteristics of different environments around the planet such as: Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, all containing species that are unique to those regions. It takes a few hours to walk through the place and it’s not only beautiful, but very educational. The various displays are amazing, though Ace Acumen Students particularly liked the big fish tanks with the glass tunnels, and the jellyfish exhibit. Don’t forget to pass by the last open tank by the shop and touch the manta rays!