Taking Care of Yourself First
One of the most important things in life, not only in normal times, but especially now during the COVID-19 pandemic we are navigating together, is mental health and taking care of ourselves first. At Acumen we promote good mental health.
Acumen has reached out to JackTalk.org and we have acquired a virtual Jack Talk. JackTalk.org empowers young people to educate themselves around mental health and take care of themselves and each other as best as they can. All students were sent the below link where they found the Virtual Jack Talk that they completed on their own from the comfort of their homes.
If you are reading this now, you can also click on the link and participate in the virtual Jack Talk. There are wonderful engagement tasks that will allow you to benefit further from the talk itself.
Remember, take care of yourself and your mental health first, and together we will get through this pandemic and be stronger then ever.
Stay safe,