Police Seminars 2019


Life in Canada is great, it’s full of freedom and it’s safe. However these qualities of living in Canada are the result of its inhabitants following and abiding by the laws and rules of this great country.

What better way to assist our students in this regard then to have one of Canada’s own police officers visit our classrooms and give our students talks around many important topics.

Officer David started off by letting all of our students know that he personally came to Canada many years ago as an immigrant and through his hard work and following the rules and laws was able to become a success.

Officer David told our students about rules and laws around many topics, and these topics included:

  • Driving
    • Rules of the road
    • Ownership of vehicles
    • Speeding
  • Verbal and Physical Abuse
    • Any sort of physicality or touch may not be viewed as appropriate to many people in
    • Best policy is to not be physical or verbally physical with anyone.
    • Threats.
    • Harassment.
    • Intimidating behavior.
  • Consuming Substances
  • Smoking Regulations and laws

Officer David was great! We will be inviting him back a number of times this year and in the near future to help us make sure all students receive these important lessons.

Thank you Officer David!