Diwali Celebrations


Hello Saints!

November 14th was Diwali, The Festival of Lights. It is one of the major festivals celebrated in India, and is usually celebrated over 5 days. Diwali signifies the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair. 

Acumen wanted to promote safe Diwali practices during COVID-19 restrictions, so we were not able to celebrate in person this year, but encouraged students to share their social distance celebrations with us!

Whether it be embracing the traditional Indian attire at this festive occasion, spending time with family, decorating with colourful lights or lighting diyas; we wanted to make sure that all of you stayed safe, while celebrating this holiday.

Thank you to all of you that shared your celebrations with us. Please see the video for photos from our students including traditional attire and rangoli sand art.

Happy Diwali to all our staff and students!

Stay Safe Acumen

Click here to see Acumen students celebrating Diwali