Bell Let’s Talk – Mental Health Awareness


Hello Saints, 

    January 28 is an important day that we want to acknowledge. “Bell Let’s Talk” is a movement created with the purpose of spreading awareness and ending stigma around mental health. Bell Lets Talk began in September 2010, and the goal was to show the world that Mental Health is a topic that can be discussed and should not be ignored. 

     We want to help start a conversation about this topic, and share with all of our staff and students that you are not alone. Everyone at Ace Acumen wants to ensure that their students’ voices are heard, and that you are supported. We understand that coming to Canada can be a very hard transition, and can affect a person greatly. 

   Your advisors, teachers and administrative staff are here to support you, and we want to help normalize conversations about mental health. 

Share the hashtag #bellletstalk on your social media today and Bell will donate 5 cents to mental health support initiatives. This small action can help support millions of people who struggle with mental health on a daily basis and engage Canadians to take action and create positive change for mental health. 

If you are ever struggling, please reach out to us and we can help.